I’m just going to say straight off that I have no idea how the title relates to the book. It’s not a line anyone says, or a vow the heroine has made. The hero is the illegitimate (but acknowledged) son of a marquis, and frankly since the heroine, Lady Juliana, has put herself beyond the bounds of acceptable by leaving home to run a boys’ orphanage anyway, he’s a good match for her.
This is a pretty cookie-cutter Regency in a lot of ways, with added plot moppets for colour, and a fight with a slumlord who is determined to make Juliana his mistress. Neil’s PTSD isn’t really addressed in any meaningful way, which I found rather disappointing after enjoying Third Son’s A Charm, the previous book in this series. It’s well written, as I’d expect from Shana Galen, but somehow fell a bit flat for me. I can’t give it any more than four stars.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for review through NetGalley.